"The Unlikely Sex Offenders," a short documentary about female registered sex offenders in Louisiana airs tonight at 8:30 p.m. in Prince George's County, MD on channel 76 (Comcast) and channel 42 (Verizon Fios). The film examines an 1805 crime against nature law, prostitution and punishment that inadvertently leads to hundreds of people becoming a permanent underclass.
The film was written and produced by Maniko Barthelemy, primarily filmed and co-directed by Erica Singleton, and production stills shot by Jeff Ray. "The Unlikely Sex Offenders" was nominated for best documentary at the 2011 Visions Film Awards in Washington, D.C. and screened in April 2011 at the Obama administration's human rights conference.
Here's a link to the trailer: http://www.trailheadproductions.com/maniko.htm. Please forward all comments to Maniko Barthelemy at newsheels@gmail.com.