Wednesday, November 23, 2011

You Can Beat Your Happy Holidays Challenge

You can’t walk into a mall, watch television or listen to the radio without the sights and sounds of happy holiday music. From subtle to substantially overbearing, there’s no escaping the pressure to just be happy. We are in no doubt at that time of the year, where people often reflect, regret and recharge their definition of happiness. For many people, it’s disturbing to find the strength to move on without someone who was here last year or fathom how their finances will balance out because like millions of people last year, this year, they too are unemployed.  

As you know, there are no easy answers to how to cope with everything you view and literally feel as wrong, unfair and unconscionable.  However, what directs your future is intrinsically tied to your focus. Are you concentrating so heavily on your problems that something positive seems impossible? Are you surrounding yourself with people who have no solutions but roll out the welcome mat for your VIP pity party? If your answer to any of the questions is yes, you must act now. The reason you have to pull it together and make yourself happy is clear, the alternative is equivalent to standing in the ring and bracing for a knockout, instead of using everything you know about life as skills to help you fight and win.
Cheers to the better, blissful and blessed life you absolutely deserve, long before the New Year kicks into full swing.
What you think is the best or worst way to deal with challenges? Please e-mail your response to Maniko Barthelemy at

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