Thursday, October 18, 2012

Film Shows Gift as Burden and Blessing

Can you forgive someone who devalues you? Is your spouse a gift from God that you appreciate or marginalize? Is your talent more important than your gift? Film producer and director Harold Jackson III  poses and answers those conscious piercing questions in his latest film, The Gift.

The Gift clears the static and puts a microscope on the turbulent life of best-selling author, Ezekiel Anderson, who’s so successful he sees life through eyes wide shut. Anderson’s ambition to score the next big book deal clouds his judgment and puts him at a spiritual crossroads.

Through the escalating twists and turns as Anderson strives to reach for material stars, everyone sees the glitter and gold mask tarnish his foundation. His wife and marriage take a backseat as Anderson’s popularity grows.  A chance meeting with a fisherman points the author in the right direction but it may be too late. Perhaps appreciation for those who love us the most is the subliminal lesson in Jackson’s film.

Here’s a link to trailer for The Gift,
Jackson is also the producer of Burn, a documentary that takes an in-depth and emotional look at a little known race riot in 1921. Here’s the link to the trailer for Burn.

Recently, in Washington, D.C. the third annual Reel Independent Film Extravaganza held at West End Cinema, rolled out the red carpet for Jackson and a host of independent film producers who beat the competition for a coveted opportunity to screen in the nation’s capitol. The Gift, The Three Way, and The Pharmacist, are a few of the short narrative films that made the cut. Over the next three days on this blog, we’ll bring you a short review of all three films and link you to the trailers. Hopefully, you’ll be able to watch one or all at a theater in your city. For more information about the Reel Independent Film Extravaganza, log on to

(photo courtesy of Julian Renner)
Join us tomorrow for a look at The Three Way, a feature film written and directed by Julian Renner. It’s full of drama, comedy, and reality. Don’t assume anything by the title because your perception may be completely wrong.

Please e-mail your comments directly to Maniko Barthelemy at

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