Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Sexual Secrets Heal and Hurt in Documentary

"How do you heal after something like that happens to you?" A reporter from a D.C. area television station joins the Q & A session following the July screening of "I Thought It Was Forever."
"I Thought It Was Forever" returns to D.C. on Bigger Screen 
It is a creative and compelling true story about love, marriage, happiness, forgiveness and adultery. In "I Thought It Was Forever," seven people boldly share the reality of a spouse having a secret gay life. "We were just being our heads against a marriage that wasn't going to work," says Lorraine, one of the women featured in the film. Audience members will cry, cheer, laugh and empathize as real people put a spotlight on the possibility of loving or loathing someone who promised to love, honor and cherish them until death. "I questioned everything and wondered how I could do this to the woman who was the most beautiful woman on the earth, except for my mother," says Marc, Lorraine's ex-husband.

Marc and Lorraine, both featured in "I Thought It Was Forever" answer questions at the July D.C. screening of "I Thought It Was Forever" at American University
 "I Thought It Was Forever" strips away misconceptions about homosexuality and same-sex affairs in traditional marriages. On the heels of a sold-out screening at American University, the film returns to the big screen in a much bigger way.  The Reel Independent Film Extravaganza in Washington, D.C. recently announced when it opens up its two-week run of controversial and compelling films, "I Thought It Was Forever" will premier Monday, October 14.

Here's a link to the film's trailer, www.vimeo.com/southernbelletv.
To check out the 2013 full schedule of Reel Independent Film Extravaganza, log on to http://www.reelindependentfilm.com/home.cfm.
"I Thought It Was Forever" is a Southern Belle Productions film, produced and directed by Maniko Barthelemy. Feel free to "like" the company's Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Southern-Belle-Productions-LLC/149203665156459.
You can comment directly by e-mailing Maniko at NewsHeels@gmail.com.

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